mercoledì 30 aprile 2014

Using the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights Against Private Parties after Association De Médiation Sociale

Cian C. Murphy 

King's College London – The Dickson Poon School of Law 

February 24, 2014

European Human Rights Law Review, 2014 Forthcoming 

The judgment in Association de Médiation Sociale gave the Court of Justice the opportunity to revisit its decision in Kücükdeveci on the effect of the EU Charter. In its short judgment the Court declines to follow the complex reasoning of Advocate General Cruz Villalón in his Opinion in the case and leaves the law on the effect of the EU Charter in disputes between private parties rather unclear. The analysis herein explores the Court of Justice judgment in its wider legal context, taking in the Court’s affirmation of the rule against horizontal direct effect, the distinction of Kücükdeveci, and the question of rights and principles in the Charter. It concludes with some thoughts on how litigants in disputes between private parties might best frame their claims on the basis of the Charter and on current challenges for the European Union and the Court of Justice in this evolving field of law.
Number of Pages in PDF File: 12

Keywords: human rights, EU law, horizontal direct effect, Court of Justice of the European Union

Kelsenian Reflections on the Unity of Domestic and International Law: The Practice of Consistent Interpretation of the Court of Justice of the EU

Paul Gragl 

Queen Mary University of London 

March 10, 2014

Forthcoming in Luis I Gordillo (ed.), Constitutionalism of European Supranational Courts (Thomson-Reuters, 2014) 

This contribution examines the relationship between EU and international law on the basis of the principle of consistent interpretation which denotes the process of subtly internalising international norms without their express incorporation, transformation, or transposition. Its innovative approach lies in the application of Kelsen’s theory to the relationship of EU lawand international law in order to determine whether Luxembourg’s incoherent jurisprudence on consistent interpretation indeed constitutes an insurmountable normative conflict or whether the Union nevertheless remains a monist legal system. Part 2 will present a brief description of the doctrine of consistent interpretation, especially its defining features and its limits, and a brief analysis on whether there is an international obligation to consistent interpretation. Part 3 will extensively depict the Court’s diverse case law on consistent interpretation, in particular with respect to secondary and primary EU law, and conclude that there are considerable incoherencies in the CJEU’s conclusions from the viewpoint of international law. Eventually, Part 4 will first illustrate Kelsen’s theory on the relationship between national and international law, and then apply its findings and conclusions to the EU’s relationship with public international law in order to fill this theoretical gap.
Number of Pages in PDF File: 51

Keywords: relationship between EU law and international law, customary international law, law of treaties, Hans Kelsen, monism and dualism

Rethinking Europe's Freedom, Security and Justice

Cian C. Murphy 

King's College London – The Dickson Poon School of Law

Diego Acosta Arcarazo 

University of Bristol 

March 18, 2014

D. Acosta Arcarazo & C.C. Murphy (eds), EU Security and Justice Law: After Lisbon and Stockholm (Hart Publishing 2014) 

This paper is the opening chapter from EU Security and Justice Law: After Lisbon and Stockholm. The coming into force of the Lisbon Treaty has provided the EU with new powers in the fields of criminal law and security law while reinforcing existing powers in immigration and asylum law. The Stockholm Programme is the latest framework for EU action in the field of justice and home affairs. It includes a range of new legislation in the fields of immigration and asylum, substantive criminal law, criminal procedure and co-operation between national criminal justice systems. The combination of the new treaty and programme have made security and justice key areas of legislative growth in the EU. This volume brings together a range of leading scholars, as well as some of the most interesting new voices in the debate, to examine the state of EU security and justice law after the Lisbon Treaty and the Stockholm Programme. It provides a critical examination of EU law in the fields of immigration, asylum, counter-terrorism, citizenship, fundamental rights and external relations. The book also examines the evolving roles of the EU institutions and criminal justice agencies. It provides a critical account of EU law in this field under the developing constitutional and institutional settlement.
Number of Pages in PDF File: 16

Keywords: EU law, Area of Freedom, Security and Justice, AFSJ, Justice and Home Affairs, human rights

Shifting EU Institutional Reform into High Gear: Report of the CEPS High-Level Group

Sonia Piedrafita

Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS)

Steven Blockmans

Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) 

March 19, 2014

CEPS Task Force Report, 2014, ISBN 978-94-6138-383-9 

To contribute to the important debate on EU institutional reform in the run-up to the European Parliament elections and the start of a new Commission, CEPS formed a High-Level Group on EU Institutional Reform under the leadership of Danuta Hübner MEP and member of the CEPS Board of Directors. The report of this distinguished group of MEPs, former and current EU institutional members and leading scholars on EU law and institutional affairs focuses on reforms that could be taken within the framework of the current treaties to build a more responsive and accountable Union. The report analyses the main inter- and intra-institutional weaknesses in terms of efficiency, democracy and differentiation and puts forward a number of recommendations addressing issues such as the reorganisation of the College of Commissioners, the promotion of strategic legislative planning, the enhancement of the role of the EP and the rotating Presidency of the Council, the improvement of the democratic accountability of the European Council and the adequate engagement of the national parliaments.
Number of Pages in PDF File: 41

Keywords: EU institutional reform, EU, European Parliament elections, European Parliament, EP

La Buena Gobernanza Económica Y El Papel De La Autoridad Fiscal Independiente En La Unión Europea (The Good Economic Governance in the Eurozone and the Role of Fiscal Councils in the EU)

Patricia Lampreave 

Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Law School - C.U.N.E.F. 

January 15, 2014

(ed) Quincena Fiscal Aranzadi 1-2, Enero I-II - 2014, Págs. 61-85 

Spanish Abstract: Un déficit excesivo ha provocado graves desequilibrios fiscales en algunos Estados miembros de la UE. Por ello, a finales de 2011, se aprobó una reforma normativa sustancial en la UE con el objetivo de modificar la supervisión de la política fiscal e incorporar la buena gobernanza económica en los Estados miembros. La nueva arquitectura emergente señala que una Autoridad de Responsabilidad Fiscal Independiente incorporada en los Estados miembros y que actúe como organismo de control fiscal, reforzará el principio rector del mantenimiento de unas finanzas públicas saneadas, establecido en el TFUE.

English Abstract: An excessive deficit in some Member states has brought about a steep decline in public finances in recent years. In late 2011 a substantial reform came into force which intended to amend the supervision of fiscal policy and incorporate economic good governance in the EU. Within the scope of this new regulatory framework, an independent fiscal institution acting as a fiscal watchdog will be able to reinforce the guiding principle of “sound public finances” established by the TFEU.
Note: Downloadable document is in Spanish.
Number of Pages in PDF File: 25

Keywords: EU Law, European Governance, Eurozone, Independent Fiscal Authority, Fiscal Council, Excessive Deficit, Supervision of Fiscal Policy, Stability and Growth Pact, Fiscal Compact

Between a Rock and a Hard Place: The Future of EU Treaty Revisions

Carlos Closa 

Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas CSIC 

March 2014

SIEPS European Policy Analysis, March Issue 2014:2epa 

The European economic crisis revived the discussion on future treaty revision. However, stringency of the revision procedure based on unanimity requirement presented an obstacle to fast resolution of complicated problems posed by the crisis. Faced with that difficulty, a majority of the Member States showed willingness to depart form the ordinary procedure and adopt necessary reform measures in form of intergovernmental agreements. In this policy analysis, Carlos Closa examines feasibility of future treaty revisions. With less than perfect options available – and far-fetched solutions proposed to resolve the dilemma – current demands for revision may remain unanswered for the time being.
Number of Pages in PDF File: 12

Keywords: Treaty revision, ratification, unanimity, EU law, EU politics

Founding Principles of EU Law. A Theoretical and Doctrinal Sketch

Armin Von Bogdandy

Max Planck Society for the Advancement of the Sciences - Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law 

June 1, 2010

Revus 12 | 2010. 35-56

The article provides the groundwork for the constitutional law approach to EU legal scholarship. It stresses the special role of the basic principles of the EU legal order, explaining their dimensions, foundations and their functions. First of all, legal principles play a special role in ordering the legal material into a meaningful whole, a function the author entitles doctrinal constructivism. Furthermore, they can supply arguments for the creative application of the law and can at the same time help to maintain and further legal infrastructure. The author also explains their legal and integrative aspects and their constitutional characteristics and illustrates their significance for establishing unity of EU law in light of heterogeneous primary law.
Number of Pages in PDF File: 23

Keywords: basic principles, constitutional law, constitutional theory, European Union, functions of legal scholarship

Weak Right, Strong Court - the Freedom to Conduct Business and the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights

Xavier Groussot

Lund University - Faculty of Law

Gunnar Thor Petursson

Reykjavik University

Justin Pierce

Lund University - Faculty of Law 

April 23, 2014

Lund University Legal Research Paper Series No 01/2014

With the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty, the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights has finally become a legally binding document of primary law, a core element of the Union’s legal order and the starting point for the ECJ judge for assessing the compatibility of EU or Member States measures with EU fundamental rights. Notably, this Charter enshrines an explicit provision (Article 16) on freedom to conduct business. The core question in this Chapter is whether this explicit constitutional provision will bring a change of approach in defining and relying on the freedom to conduct business in the EU. The Chapter is divided into two main sections. The first section (1. A Weak Right with a Strong Potential?) analyses the roots and text of Article 16 of the Charter. It is pointed out that, at first blush, the freedom to conduct business appears to be a ‘weak right’. However, this ‘weak right’ may be given a strong meaning. In the second section (2. A Strong Court with a Weak Reasoning?), looking at the recent case law of the ECJ, it seems that Article 16 of the Charter may strongly impact at the EU level by offering not only a ground of challenging the policies of the Union but also by clashing with the social policies of the Member States in horizontal situations. The principle of proportionality is here often relied on by the ECJ in its reasoning. Is it done in an appropriate way? The concluding section of the Chapter examines who is afraid of Article 16; theorising that the strong interpretation of the Article may be troublesome for the institutions of the Union, especially the EU Commission, and also for the application of social rights. We find that contrary to previous thought the Article 16 is potentially both a powerful tool for challenging Union acts, decisions and legislative interpretation in the future, and also impacting Member States’ measures, even if originating in (purely) private conduct.
Number of Pages in PDF File: 17

Keywords: EU Charter, Proportionality, Freedom to Conduct Business, EU Law, Fundamental Rights

lunedì 21 aprile 2014

Scarciglia, La Costituzione Europea: Dal Patrimonio Comune Al Quasi-Federalismo

Roberto Scarciglia 
University of Trieste 

September 20, 2013

Diritto Costituzionale comparato, Laterza, Bari-Roma, 2013 

Italian Abstract: Il tema della 'costituzione europea,' come problema aperto o 'non risolto,' trova spazio in studi di diritto comparato, sia per la necessità teorica di individuare elementi di comparabilità con altre esperienze costituzionali federali, sia per la ricerca, sul piano metodologico, di nuove frontiere che possano consentire l'interpretazione delle trasformazioni della costituzione materiale dell'Unione europea. Il saggio si propone lo studio in chiave dinamica della 'Costituzione europea.'

English Abstract: The topic of the 'European Constitution,' as open-ended or 'unresolved' problem, it is located in comparative law studies, and for the need to identify the theoretical elements of comparability with other federal constitutional experiences, both for research on methodological level, of new frontiers that may allow the interpretation of the transformations of the material Constitution of the European Union. The paper proposes the study of dynamic keys for interpreting the 'European Constitution.'

Keywords: European Constitution, Federalism, Comparative Law

giovedì 10 aprile 2014

Legal studies and researches - call for papers

Studii şi Cercetări Juridice, 2/2014 - apel la contribuţii

Revista Institutului de Cercetări Juridice „Acad. Andrei Rădulescu” al Academiei
Române - Studii şi Cercetări Juridice - lansează un apel la
contribuţii ştiinţifice pentru nr. 2/2014. Materialele trebuie trimise la adresa [responsabil de număr] sau la adresa şi vor face obiectul „politicii de recenzare” prevăzute pe
site. Materialele trimise trebuie să respecte instrucţiunile pentru redactare.
Data limită pentru trimiterea materialelor este 9 mai 2014; spaţiul tipografic este
limitat, iar materialele vor fi publicate în ordinea acceptării acestora.

Mihai Şandru
Studii şi cercetări juridice, nr. 2/2014

Legal studies and researches - call for papers

The review of the Institute for Legal Research of the Romanian Academy - Studii si
cercetări juridice (Legal studies and researches) is publishing a call for papers for its
issue no 2/2014. Papers may be sent to [responsible with this
issue] or to The deadline for submitting papers is 9 May

Mihai Şandru
Editor no 2/2014
Studii şi cercetări juridice/
Legal studies and researches

Seminar at the Scuola S.Anna ""The Legal Construction of the European Individual: An exercise in conceptual innovation""

April 10th, 2014

Scuola superiore "Sant'Anna", Pisa

Prof. Loïc Azoulai, Professor of European Law, European University Institute

"The Legal Construction of the European Individual: An exercise in conceptual innovation"

Aula 6

STALS Seminars "CEDU e giudici nazionali: il trattamento giudiziale nazionale della Convenzione"

Il ciclo di seminari (tre incontri) si inserisce all'interno del corso "CEDU e giudici nazionali: il trattamento giudiziale nazionale della Convenzione" tenuto dal dott. Giuseppe Martinico. Nel corso degli incontri programmati verranno approfonditi alcuni aspetti problematici del rapporto fra Corte di Strasburgo e giudici nazionali, prestando particolare attenzione a casi recenti come Dhabi o discutendo decisioni particolarmente significative come Lautsi con autorevoli relatori esterni (Frederick Mark Gedicks, Pasquale Annicchino, Filippo Fontanelli, Giorgio Repetto, Andrea Guazzarotti).
