venerdì 15 gennaio 2016

New STALS Seminars (January- March 2016)

STALS (Sant'Anna Legal Studies,  events

25 January 2016
Guerino D’Ignazio
“Il federalismo statunitense nel New Deal ed il New Federalism” 

26 January 2016
Anna Margherita Russo  
“Lo Stato "autonomico" spagnolo en la encrucijada: hechos diferenciales, tentativi di secessione e proposte di riforma” 

29 January 2016
Sara Iglesias Sánchez 
“Fundamental Rights in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (AFSJ) and the Principle of Mutual Trust” 

17 March 2016
Antonella Angelini
“The turn from structural reform to procedural improvement in discussions about the Security Council” 

Info: Prof. Giuseppe Martinico, 
Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Piazza Martiri della Liberà 33, 56127, Pisa

Master in Parliamentary Procedures and Legislative Drafting -EUPADRA - website and call for scholarships and visiting professors‏

The EUPADRA Master is coordinated by LUISS Guido Carli, in particular, by the School of Government, in collaboration with the School of Law. The Instituto de Derecho Parlamentario-Universidad Complutense de Madrid and the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies-University of London will take part in the initiative as full partners.

The first academic year of the EUPADRA Master will start in Rome on October 3rd, 2016. Participants will move to Madrid in January 2017 and London in April 2017. Please save the date, as we are organizing an event for the launch of the Master, together with an academic conference on “The transformations of representative democracy through technological innovation. Effects on parliamentary organization”.

EUPADRA promotes an open community of scholars and practitioners interested in sharing knowledge and methodologies in the field of parliamentary and legislative studies. We have just published the call for applications, available at (more information on the contents of the Joint Master will be added shortly).

The deadline to apply for scholarships (for a total of 55 participants over 3 years, which will cover the tuition fee, accommodation, and living expenses) is March 15th, 2016.

Self-funded participants are asked to pay 6,000 euro in tuition and provide their own room and board. For them, the deadline is June 5th, 2016.

Finally, there is also a call for visiting professors, who may be scholars or practitioners, with an application deadline of April 15th, 2016.

Nicola Lupo

EUPADRA Director

Full Professor in Public Law

Department of Political Science

Director of the Master Program

in ‘Parliament and Public Policies’

School of Government

LUISS Guido Carli University

Viale Pola 12 – 00197 Rome


Lorenzo Valeri

EUPADRA Senior Administrative Manager

Cristina Fasone, Renato Ibrido, Giovanni Piccirilli

EUPADRA Academic Coordinators

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Perspectives on Federalism, Vol. 7 Issue 3 2015 "Solidarity in Hard Times"

Perspectives on Federalism, Vol. 7 Issue 3 2015

full issue:


journal's website:

domenica 3 gennaio 2016

Video: Federico Fabbrini Fundamental Rights in Europe: A Comparative Perspective

Western New England University, School of Law

Clason Speaker Series


"Fundamental Rights in Europe: A Comparative Perspective"


Federico Fabbrini

September 15, 2014

University of Trento - Faculty of Law Conference Perspectives on the Supranational Judiciary 17-18 December 2015 Aula B - Facoltà di Giurisprudenza - Via Verdi, 53 - 38122 Trento, Italy

University of Trento - Faculty of Law
Perspectives on the Supranational Judiciary
17-18 December 2015
Aula B - Facoltà di Giurisprudenza - Via Verdi, 53 - 38122 Trento, Italy

I session

II session

III session

IV session

V session

VI session

Convegno PRIN - Pisa 03 e 04 Dicembre 2015 Crisi economica, istituzioni democratiche e decisioni di bilancio

Convegno PRIN  Pisa 03 e 04 Dicembre 2015  

Crisi economica, istituzioni democratiche e decisioni di bilancio
