from the organizers:
"Dear colleagues,
I would like to draw your attention on the the 5th edition of the Summer School on "Parliamentary democracy in Europe, this year co-organised by LUISS Guido Carli School of Government and PADEMIA and in cooperation with Sciences-Po Paris, Centre d'études européennes and the Université libre de Bruxelles.
This edition will focus on “Legislative initiative and agenda-setting in the European Union” and will take place on 11-15 July 2016 in Rome, at LUISS Guido Carli University. The programme, attached to this message, will include guest lectures by outstanding academics as well as workshops with high level officials at parliamentary institutions, simulations exercises and papers' presentations by the participants. Moreover, the Summer School will be opened by the lecture of Professor Sergio Fabbrini, Director of the LUISS School of Government, and will end with a final conference on Friday 15 July, h. 15.00-19.00, on "New trends in EU Law Making".
More information ca be found at:
We would kindly ask you to please circulate this announcement widely.
Please, note that, thanks to the generous contribution of PADEMIA, this year 16 participants, selected on the basis of the merits and motivation, will be offered the accommodation in Rome while attending the Summer School and a travel reimbursement up to 400 euro.
Participants will still be responsibile for paying tuition fee of EUR 650 (if part of the PADEMIA network the participant will receive a discount of 10%).
The deadline for applications is 9 May 2016 and the online application form is available here:
Any query can be sent at"