Vol. 3, issue 2, 2011
Table of contents
Rethinking (EU) citizenship
Giuseppe Martinico- Roberto Castaldi I-IX
Identity vs. representation: what makes ‘the people’? Rethinking democratic citizenship through (and beyond) Carl Schmitt and Hans Kelsen
David Ragazzoni E 1-30
The Ruiz Zambrano judgment or the Real Invention of EU Citizenship
Loïc Azoulai E-31-39
Operation Atalanta and the Protection of EU Citizens: Civis Europaeus Unheeded?
Joris Larik E- 40-66
Protection of EU citizens abroad:
A legal assessment of the EU citizen’s right to consular and diplomatic protection
Madalina Bianca Moraru E- 67-105
EU Citizenship, Naturalisations, and Mythical Cultural Exceptionalism in Europe Today
Dimitry Kochenov E-106-127
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