Summer School "Parliamentary Democracy in Europe"
(Jean Monnet Module n. 529931 –LLP -2012 – IT – AJM – MO)2nd Edition
“The European Parliament: Organisation and Functioning”
LUISS School of Government
Rome, 8-19 July 2013
Applications by 6 May 2013
In particular after the Treaty of Lisbon and the recent developments that led to the reform of the European economic governance, the position of the European Parliament, between empowerment and ‘transformation’ of its role, requires to be studied in depth aiming to assess its interactions with citizens and with European and national institutions.
This summer school untangles these issues and provides its participants with a map of the current state of the European Union democracy, under the perspective of the European Parliament, of its election, organization, decision-making processes, inter-institutional relations, contribution to the protection of fundamental rights in the EU and, in the end, to the integration process.
Hence, students will be confronted with the multifaceted dimensions of the democratic principle in the European Union and their relationship with the Assembly directly elected by the European citizens: the European Parliament. Participants will be provided with the experiential knowledge and practical experience for understanding the complex and fascinating role of this institution.
The need to combine theory with practice in understanding the future of Europe’s democracy is reflected in the Faculty, which includes world-class academics and experienced officials from European and national institutions.
This Summer School has been awarded as a Jean Monnet module co-financed by the European Commission in 2013, 2014, 2015.
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