‘This book contains the broadest and deepest analysis of the legal and policy issues that relate to secrecy and national security on one hand, and the imperatives of a functioning democracy on the other. The broadest because it brings to bear materials from many countries, the deepest because it brilliantly explores a core problem of constitutional government.’
– Norman Dorsen, New York University, US and President, American Civil Liberties Union, 1976–1991
Contributors include: O. Aronson, K. Clark, D. Cole, D. Curtin, F. Fabbrini, L. Garlicki, S. Krebs, A. Lynch, J. Mazzone, C. Murphy, T. Ojanen, K. Roach, M. Scheinin, S. Schulhofer, S. Sedley, S. Setty, M. Vashakmadze, A. Vedaschi, S. Vladeck, C. Walker
Further details at: http://www.e-elgar.com/bookentry_main.lasso?id=15137&sub_values=&site_Bus_Man=&site_dev=&site_eco=&site_env_eco=&site_inn_tech=&site_int_pol=Yes&site_law=&site_pub_soc=
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