Towards Effective Regulatory Cooperation Under TTIP: A Comparative Overview of the EU and US Legislative and Regulatory Systems
Richard W. Parker
University of Connecticut School of Law
Alberto Alemanno
HEC Paris; NYU School of Law
May 15, 2014
European Commission, Brussels, May 2014
The aim of this independent report commissioned by the EU Commission is to inform the EU-US Transatlantic Trade and Investment negotiations on enhanced regulatory coherence and cooperation. It provides negotiators, stakeholders and the public with a comparative overview of the US and EU legislative and regulatory processes in their current form, highlighting differences and similarities. Special emphasis is placed on impact assessment/cost benefit analysis, stakeholder consultations and international regulatory cooperation.
Number of Pages in PDF File: 69
Keywords: TTIP, transatlantic regulatory cooperation, rulemaking, international trade, EU, US, regulatory convergence, regulatory coherence, regulatory compatibility, notice-and-comment, comitology, delegated acts, implementing acts, judicial review
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