lunedì 25 maggio 2015

Constitutional Change Through Euro Crisis Law Project Team

Invites you to a Workshop on

Odyssey of a Eurozone country.

Adjudication of postnational law in national (constitutional) courts

by Samo Bardutzky

(University of Kent)

Wednesday 3 June 2015, h. 16.00-17.30, Villa Schifanoia, Sala Triara


The paper looks at the decisions of the national (constitutional) courts (of Estonia, Ireland and Germany) that adjudicated on the constitutionality of the European Stability Mechanism (ESM). It does so with the aim of critiquing the role of national courts in, speaking more broadly, mechanisms and institutions of postnational/global governance and more narrowly, the emerging governance structures of the Eurozone.

In spite of constitutional concerns over the design of the ESM that were expressed by scholars, the courts rejected the challenges of the ESM’s conformity with the respective national constitutions. The focus of the paper is on the courts measuring the ESM against sovereignty clauses and the clauses that safeguard representative democracy. To accommodate the ESM within the national constitution, the courts had to adopt a certain approach to sovereignty. The claim of the paper is that the courts’ decisions let us recognize the tenets of the ‘precommitment approach’ in their reading of the sovereignty clauses.

The paper uses the arguments from the precommitment debate related to the legitimacy of judicial review to analyze whether the precommitment approach can be validly used in the case of the ESM and national sovereignty and to identify the shortcomings of this approach in this concrete case. In presenting its normative claim built on the analysis of the shortcomings, an alternative reading of sovereignty clauses in similar cases is proposed.

Please register with Rossella Corridori by 29 May 2015

domenica 17 maggio 2015

International scouting for tenured positions 2015: expressions of interest. Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Pisa


The Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies is collecting expressions of interest to become part of its tenured faculty in the following Institutes and Areas.

BioRobotics Institute

Biomedical Engineering (level: Associate Professor) in the field of BioRobotics.

Institute of Communication, lnformation and Perception Technologies (TeCIP)

Computer Engineering (level: Associate Professor) in the field of real-time embedded systems, schedulability analysis, real-time applications. Candidates should have a strong expertise on one or more of the following research areas: operating systems, schedulability theory, distributed and multicore embedded.

Institute of Law, Politics and Development (DIRPOLIS)

Applied Legal Theory (level: Full Professor) with special reference to the Rule of Law in the State and Supranational Context.
European politics/comparative politics (level: Full Professor or Associate Professor) with a focus on new challenges to democratic political systems”

Institute of Management

Management (level: Full Professor or Associate Professor) with particular attention to one or more of the following areas: healthcare management, innovation management, sustainability management.
Knowledge of Italian language is not required, ability to teach in English is mandatory. The Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies guarantees equal gender opportunities in the recruitment and career and welcomes applications from women.

Also guarantees that all applications will be processed confidentially.

Candidates are invited to express their interest by sending an email to and are required to attach their curriculum vitae, a brief description of their teaching and research activity and to explain why they are interested in this call.

The deadline is: July 8, 2015
For further information about the positions, applicants can refer to the website, or write to

Please note that this is not yet a job vacancy advertisement. As a result of the received expressions of interest, Scuola will decide whether or not to offer positions, their number and level and the typology of the selection procedure (choice is between public competition pursuant art. 18 Italian Law 240/2010 and direct call pursuant Italian Law 230/2005).

STALS Newsletter May 2015

Dear friends and colleagues,

we are pleased to announce the contents of this STALS newsletter.

STALS Research Paper

G. Vosa, “Delegated or implementing acts? Formal and substantial criteria in the systematic understanding of EU legal acts”, STALS Research Paper 3/2015,

STALS events

4 June 2015

Tempering Power: Constitutionalism and the Rule of Law

3-4 June 2015

Prof. Martin Krygier (Visiting Professor at the DIRPOLIS Institute)

"Promoting the Rule of Law after Conflicts and Dictatorship: issues of law, philosophy, politics, and society"

25 June 2015

"Respect for National Identities in the EU"

SSSUP Events

Doctoral Program in Individual Person and Legal Protections

Call for Applications:

All the best from Pisa,

the Editors