domenica 17 maggio 2015

STALS Newsletter May 2015

Dear friends and colleagues,

we are pleased to announce the contents of this STALS newsletter.

STALS Research Paper

G. Vosa, “Delegated or implementing acts? Formal and substantial criteria in the systematic understanding of EU legal acts”, STALS Research Paper 3/2015,

STALS events

4 June 2015

Tempering Power: Constitutionalism and the Rule of Law

3-4 June 2015

Prof. Martin Krygier (Visiting Professor at the DIRPOLIS Institute)

"Promoting the Rule of Law after Conflicts and Dictatorship: issues of law, philosophy, politics, and society"

25 June 2015

"Respect for National Identities in the EU"

SSSUP Events

Doctoral Program in Individual Person and Legal Protections

Call for Applications:

All the best from Pisa,

the Editors

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