The Research Programme
The Scuola Sant’Anna di Pisa and the Centre for Studies on Federalism launched a new Research Programme on the issues related to federalism and global governance in a broad perspective but with a special focus on European law and politics. The Programme combines interactive activities (seminars and conferences) and a new Working Paper series.
Various stakeholders will be involved throughout the programme enhancing the academic approach with fresh and innovative inputs and views. The new Paper series will host contributions from both young academics and, advanced and well-established researchers as well as experts and professionals. The aim of the series is not only to enrich the academic debate but also to elaborate ideas and visions for policy-makers. The Programme will benefit from the broad experience of both the SSSUP and the CSF and it will continue to value a multidisciplinary approach attracting contributions from across an array of disciplines, including political science, international relations, international political economy, comparative, international and European law, political theory. Papers submitted will be peer reviewed and selected for publication according to their academic quality and their fit with the specific thematic focus of the Series.
This is a project made possible thanks to the financial support offered by Centre for Studies on Federalism and the Compagnia San Paolo, Torino. It is - above all - a ‘space’ where both young and experienced scholars can share a space and submit papers research through the supply of easily- accessible working papers.
Guidelines for submission
All working papers submitted undergo a double blind peer-review process. This project responds to a multi-disciplinary and pluralist perspective. This also reflects the spirit of DIRPOLIS (Law, Politics and Development) Institute.
The Working Paper Series does not adopt a particular style, and papers may be submitted in any recognised style consistently applied. The papers are published electronically and are available online or through email distribution. Published papers can still be submitted for reviews and journals.
More info at the following link:
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