giovedì 5 gennaio 2017

¿Pueden Haber Enmiendas Constitucionales Inconstitucionales? Una Mirada Al Derecho Comparado (Can There Be Unconstitutional Constitutional Amendments? A Comparative Perspective)

Joel I. Colón-Ríos 
Victoria University of Wellington - Faculty of Law


42 Rev. Jur. U.I.P. 207 (2008) 

Spanish Abstract: Este artículo tiene tres objetivos principales. Primero, analizar las bases teóricas de la doctrina de los límites implícitos al poder de reforma. Segundo, examinar las maneras en que dicha doctrina a sido tratada en diversas jurisdicciones (incluyendo Estados Unidos, Alemania, India, y Colombia). Finalmente, considerar la doctrina la luz del ordenamiento jurídico puertorriqueño.

English Abstract: This article has three main objectives. First, to analyze the theoretical bases of the doctrine of the implicit limits to the power of constitutional reform. Second, to examine the ways in which this doctrine has been treated in various jurisdictions (including the United States, Germany, India, and Colombia). Finally, to consider the doctrine the light of the Puerto Rican legal system.

Number of Pages in PDF File: 53

Keywords: Constitutional Law, Comparative Law

Full text available at:

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