lunedì 4 giugno 2012

4th Annual LegArg 2012 Conference on Legal Theory, Legal Argumentation and Legal Philosophy

Dear colleague,

We are kindly inviting you to participate at the 4th Annual LegArg 2012 Conference on Legal Theory, Legal Argumentation and Legal Philosophy that is co-organized by the Graduate School of Government and European Studies and European Faculty of Law; and supported by the Slovenian Research Agency.

The conference will take place in Kranj (Slovenia) on November 9th and 10th 2012. The title of this year’s conference is “Natural Law in Postmodern Times”, but the theme of you contribution can fall under any of the below mentioned fields and topics:

-          legal theory;
-          legal argumentation;
-          approaches and dimensions of legal reasoning;
-          law and logic;
-          law, politics and democracy;
-          challenges of international and transnational law;
-          legal challenges of EU integration;
-          legal philosophy and political philosophy;
-          human rights;
-          ethics and law.

A conference taking a format of an international symposium will track the latest developments in the field of legal theory and legal philosophy and offer an insight into current developments and emerging debates.

As organizers we will be able to reimburse your accommodation costs in a hotel (up to 2 nights) and host you at a conference dinner, but you must secure the travel budget yourself. 

We would like to get your confirmation of participation as soon as possible, but no later than June 1st 2012.  The deadline for submitting a final title of the presentation and a short abstract is September 1st 2012. No written paper is required at this stage, but for those interested in having their contributions published, a special volume of Dignitas – The Slovenian Human Rights Journal will be dedicated to the conference presentations. 

Having received the abstracts, a detailed conference program will be prepared and notified to you. You shall also receive the guidelines for accommodation and arrival. For those arriving by plane, however, the most convenient airport to reach Kranj is the Airport of Ljubljana, but the Airport of Trieste, Venice and Treviso could be considered too.

If you have any further questions you are most welcome to address them to Ms. Kaja Godec, the administrative coordinator of the conference, at:

Yours sincerely,

the organizers

Matej Avbelj, Graduate School of Government and European Studies
Jernej Letnar Černič, Graduate School of Government and European Studies
Marko Novak, European Faculty of Law in Nova Gorica
Vojko Strahovnik, Graduate School of Government and European Studies

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