giovedì 21 agosto 2014

'Constitutional Change Through Euro-Crisis Law'

The 'Constitutional Change Through Euro-Crisis Law' Project Team is pleased to announce the launch of our Project Website:

The project, run by the EUI Law Department and funded by the EUI Research Council (2013-2015), aims to analyze the constitutional implications of Euro-crisis law in the legal system of the 28 Member States. By Euro-crisis law we mean the legal instruments adopted at European or international level in reaction to the Eurozone crisis.

The study pursues the following objectives:

- To provide an open-access research tool, based on a set of reports for each Member State, that constitutes an excellent basis for further, especially comparative, studies of the legal status and implementation of Euro-crisis Law at national level, the interactions between national legal systems and Euro-crisis law and the constitutional challenges that have been faced;

- To investigate the impact of Euro-crisis Law on the constitutional balance of powers at national level;

- To highlight the effects of Euro-crisis Law on the protection of fundamental and social rights at national level;

- To provide an overview of Euro-crisis Law literature and a collection of relevant official documents in the Member States (available as annexes to the national reports).

The website collects national reports based on a standard questionnaire and on a wider range of sources, including minutes of parliamentary debates, national laws ratifying and implementing Euro-Crisis law, and case-law of national constitutional or supreme courts, so as to focus on ten main topics:

I. Political context
II. Budgetary Process

III. Changes to Constitutional Law
IV. Early Emergency Funding (including EFSF)

V. 136(3) TFEU

VI. Euro Plus Pact

VII. Six-Pack

VIII. ESM Treaty

IX. Fiscal Compact

X. Financial Support

Many of the reports are already online, in part or completed; the remaining reports will be uploaded during the next academic year. Workshops, seminars and conferences linked to the project will be organised and announced on the project website ( A conference will be held on October 17-18 2014 at the EUI to investigate comparatively the project's findings.

Follow news on the website and send us your feedback through:

Kind regards,

The Project Team

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