Harry Potter Contra El Legalismo, O La Magia Republicana Del Pluralismo Jurídico (Harry Potter v. Legalism or, the Republican Magic of Legal Pluralism)
Luis Gomez Romero
University of Wollongong
July 24, 2014
Revista Derecho del Estado, No. 32, 2014
Spanish Abstract: Este ensayo acomete una crítica radical de las ideologías legalistas mediante una revisión de las fuentes del derecho en clave pluralista. Los textos literarios – concretamente, las novelas de Harry Potter – son catalogados como fuentes del derecho. A estos efectos, se considera que el derecho inscrito en los mundos narrativos ficticios concierne al derecho en el mundo y las vidas de los públicos que los leen. El derecho es literatura, y la literatura es derecho. Sobre esta base, el artículo analiza la fabulación sobre el imperio de la ley en las novelas potterianas desde una perspectiva republicana.
English Abstract: This essay undertakes a radical criticism of legalist ideologies through a pluralist revision of the sources of law. Literary texts – specifically, the Harry Potter series of novels – are catalogued as sources of law. For this purpose, the law inscribed in fictional narrative worlds is considered as a matter that concerns the law in the real-world and the lives of audiences who read such fictional worlds. Law is literature and literature is law. On this basis, the article analyzes from a republican perspective the fictionalization of the rule of law in the Potter novels.
English Abstract: This essay undertakes a radical criticism of legalist ideologies through a pluralist revision of the sources of law. Literary texts – specifically, the Harry Potter series of novels – are catalogued as sources of law. For this purpose, the law inscribed in fictional narrative worlds is considered as a matter that concerns the law in the real-world and the lives of audiences who read such fictional worlds. Law is literature and literature is law. On this basis, the article analyzes from a republican perspective the fictionalization of the rule of law in the Potter novels.
Note: Downloadable document is in Spanish.
Number of Pages in PDF File: 28
Keywords: Law and Literature; legalism, legal pluralism; rule of law; republican freedom.
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