El Ordenamiento Regional Italiano En La Espiral Centralizadora De La Crisis: ¡Todo Cambia Para Que Nada Cambie! (The Italian Regional Order in the Centralizing Spiral of the Crisis: 'Everything Changes so that Nothing Changes')
Anna Margherita Russo
Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales (CEPC)
December 5, 2013
Cuadernos Manuel Giménez Abad, n. 6, 2013, pp. 9-25
En este trabajo se ofrece un análisis del regionalismo italiano en la fase actual de crisis económico-financiera. Después de una primera introducción sobre los elementos de continuidad en la historia de las reformas del regionalismo italiano, la segunda parte del trabajo se centra en los cambios constitucionales y legislativos inducidos por la crisis, haciendo referencia, además al papel jugado por el Tribunal Constitucional. El objetivo es destacar los rasgos peculiares del regionalismo italiano que af loran sobretodo en tiempos de crisis, es decir la tendencia a reformar reformas todavía inacabadas. Dan muestra de esto las propuestas de reforma constitucional sobre la organización territorial actualmente a debate, que parecen encajarse en el derecho constitucional de la crisis.
In this work I shall offer an analysis of the Italian regionalism in the current phase of economic-financial crisis. After introducing the main elements of continuity in the history of reforms in this ambit, in the second part of the article I shall focus on the constitutional changes introduced in order to face the crisis. When doing so I shall make reference to the role played by the Italian Constitutional Court. The aim of this work is to emphasize those features of the Italian regionalism that emerge in time of crisis, namely the tendency to reform unfinished reforms. The currently debated proposals for a constitutional reform of the territorial organization are an evidence of this trend and can be traced back to the idea of a constitutional law of the crisis.
In this work I shall offer an analysis of the Italian regionalism in the current phase of economic-financial crisis. After introducing the main elements of continuity in the history of reforms in this ambit, in the second part of the article I shall focus on the constitutional changes introduced in order to face the crisis. When doing so I shall make reference to the role played by the Italian Constitutional Court. The aim of this work is to emphasize those features of the Italian regionalism that emerge in time of crisis, namely the tendency to reform unfinished reforms. The currently debated proposals for a constitutional reform of the territorial organization are an evidence of this trend and can be traced back to the idea of a constitutional law of the crisis.
Note: Downloadable document is in Spanish.
Number of Pages in PDF File: 17
Keywords: Economic crisis, Italian Regionalism, Constitutional Reform
Full text available at: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2364081
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