sabato 28 dicembre 2013

The Role of Law in the Next Stage of European Integration

T. Koopmans 


October 1, 1986

The international Comparative Law Quarterly, 35 (4), 1986 

The title of this article would suggest that there have been earlier stages of European integration and that the law then had a different role to play. That suggestion would fit in with a history book image of human progress: mankind is on tis march through times, it meets problems, it solves them manfully but, alas, it is then faced with new problems to solve – and that is how it is making progress. There is, however, another picture. In it, mankind never actually solves any of its social problems; it just leaves them aside when they are overtaken by newer or more important problems.
Number of Pages in PDF File: 7

Keywords: Role, Law, Next Stage, European Integration

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