lunedì 9 dicembre 2013

Questioning Re:Generation Europe, Trento 16 December 2013

taken from

Questioning Re:Generation Europe

Re:Generation Europe
Discussing Ways of How to Re-Launch European Integration
Luogo:  Department of Humanities - Room 001
16 December 2013

“Europe is more than a market, more than an incipient political community or fiscal union. To its citizens, Europe is, first and foremost, a tangible reality”.

Besides technical issues the current crisis also raises important questions regarding the EU’s identity (unanswered after the constitutional crisis, and even before).

The Manifesto “Re:generation Europe”  is an “initiative that calls for a new normative paradigm for the European Union” arguing that “the European Union should be more European and that it should more firmly reflect the European modus operandi of society”.

In spring 2013 the German Law Journal published a Special Issue: Regeneration Europe which further develops the Manifesto and contains contributions from different disciplines and viewpoints.

Starting from the discussion of the Manifesto and GLJ Special Issue, the conference shall explore the state of the Union and whether and how it is possible (and/or desirable) to re-launch the European integration process.

After a presentation of the Manifesto and the Special Issue by its two editors, PhD students will present three papers on some of the issues discussed in the GLJ Special Issue; the presentations will be followed by comments and discussion. The conference will close with a round table with Faculty of the School of International Studies".

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